In a small picturesque valley of Flims in Switzerland is conveniently located and hosts world’s first three PodHotel PodHouses. The hotel management is considering a full-extension due to the huge influx of skiing. Until the end of the season all the rooms already booked. Untouched alpine nature of Switzerland retained for centuries. The country’s authorities are trying to continue to protect the landscape and create a universal model for development of tourism with the lowest environmental impact. In the photo: A street near the fireplace Podhotel. Since 2003, Swiss companies set up shelters in the mountains for vacation travel in the winter and summer. Wooden stalls are actually very strong. The hotel is equipped with 2-D and 3-person rooms with beds, lighting, heating and electricity. In the hotel there is no possibility cooking. Visitors are allowed to bring their sleeping bags.
Amazing PodHotel in Switzerland
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