Spanish architecture firm Selgas Cano has designed their own office in the middle of the forest. Imagine all the fresh air and peace you can get while watching birds and wild creatures. The office is provided by a weighted pulley mechanism at one end of the tunnel that allows varying degrees of natural ventilation.
The Selgas Cano Architecture office, designed by Iwan Baan, makes you feel like a part of nature. Thanks to the fact that the office is below ground level and the huge windows, you really feel encapsulated by plants and trees. This looks like a really peaceful environment that stimulates creativity.
If you’re a friend of the forest, it’s hard to imagine a better office environment than the one that architectural firm, Selgas Cano, recently built to work out of, in Madrid. It’s really not much more than a tube, sunken into the ground, with a long window on one side. But as with any good architecture, a little goes a long way: Sinking the building into the ground is an ancient strategy to improve building insulation; Inside, the recessed floors make it seem as if you’re completely immersed in the woods, when you’re looking up. Here are some stellar photographs by Iwan Baan, who’s one of today’s preeminent architecture photographers:
It is sleek with minimalistic furniture but creates quite a visual impact with it colours and use of environment. Working here would surely make you will feel like you are away from a busy life. Personally I would rate this as a top notch creative work environment.
Iwan Baan is a Dutch architectural photographer. He has challenged a long-standing tradition of depicting buildings as static by using structures as backdrops for people and other elements of everyday life. He has photographed buildings by many of the world’s most prominent architects, including Rem Koolhaas and Toyo Ito. He is among the world’s most published architectural photographers.
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