Tag: Nature
Modern House Inspired by The Sea-Nautilus House
A young couple with two children from Mexico City who after living in a conventional home wanted to change to one integrated to nature. This amazing house was build in 2006 by...
Rooms In Prison Cell and Comfort In Prison
There is a very voyeuristic part of us that loves to see the inner workings of other people's homes and Juergen Chill's photographs feed that interest. His unexpected vantage point and subject...
Top 10 Unique Pillows For Your Home
Pillows can be used to freak people out, as a conversation starter, or to simply accent a piece of furniture. I have collected some of the strangest pillows, and possibly you will...
Amazing Design Wooden House by Robert Harvey Oshatz
This beautiful house is located in Portland, Oregon. The impressive design has been making for seven years, since 2004. When it just was a simple scratch on drawinng board. It is made...
Chinese Amazing Hakka Houses
In 2008, UNESCO dubbed China’s Hakka Houses as an official World Heritage Site, noting the historic, cultural and architectural value of these amazing structures. Constructed from the 12th century up through the...
Wooden Roof Tiles Covered With Lawn, Norwegian roof
In Norway, the main construction material has always been a tree. High insulating properties of wood allows you to build a good and warm home. Norwegian houses are distinctive in complicated weather...