Been waiting for that right opportunity to improve your home? Are you missing that combination of extra time, right tools, and willing planters? This summer, schoolʼs out, gardening is in, and the right solution to your home improvement needs is closer than you think!
You can now improve your garden while spending quality time with your family and teaching your kids the essential tools they need to plant the earth. Miracle-Gro is helping those parents who see nature as an important educational tool, by providing you the expert tips to help your garden blossom.
With the right guidance, your kids will toss those video games in no time. And you too can gain valuable, lifelong experience from Miracle-Groʼs tips. Company spokesman William Moss, a former teacher in Chicago public schools, attests to how much kids enjoy learning in nature, leading to better cultivation.
From growing vegetable gardens, to small herbs, Mossʼ three simple, effective tips are helpful for any level of gardener. Choose a lightweight, nutrient-rich soil, a selection of which is readily available from Miracle-Gro. Feed your plants often, and make sure towater them daily.
So what are you waiting for? Get outside!
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